Takk… etc.

I bought three new albums with my iTunes gift card this Christmas, and I thought I'd share how they've turned out so far:

  1. Takk… by Sigur Ros. I bought this because I liked their last album, the parentheses one, and because John Allison's hilarious year end album review seemed to imply it was more of the same: "Everyone is fooled!" I find that I do like it just as much, but unlike all those Untitled songs in the last one, I don't mind listening to these songs when the sun is out. A fun game for casual fans is to play songs from the two albums together at random, and try to guess which album they're from. I call this the "Coldplay game".

  2. Late Registration by Kanye West. Everyone says it's great, and I don't listen to radio or watch MTV anyway, so I can't be annoyed by overplayed singles. I really like this album. Great for playing really loud while driving someone else's car across the desert at perfectly legal speeds. Luckily I live in Southern California, so nobody looks at me funny when my pale white fingers crank the volume on the way to my hockey game. I think my favorite track here is "Addiction".

  3. Final Straw by Snow Patrol. I've listened to it a few times already, it seems like there's a few great songs in there, a few I won't ever remember, and I have a nagging feeling that this will become another Josh Joplin Group, who I loved for three weeks and almost always skip past now. Which would be sad. If there was one song to get from this album, I think it'd be "Chocolate", not "Run", which was the big single. So there it is.


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