PLDI 2006 Papers

The technical program for PLDI 2006 is out now - there are certainly a lot of interesting papers in there. I'm looking through them now and will probably comment on a few of the ones I think are cool in another post.

PLDI is traditionally a very competitive conference with an emphasis on experimental results, and this year they received 169 submissions and accepted 36. PLDI stands for "Programming Language Design and Implementation", and covers compilers, languages and runtime systems.

There are some interesting workshops co-located with PLDI this year: a Workshop on Transactional Memory Workloads (WTW), a Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS), and the first ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Hardware Support for Transactional Computing (TRANSACT). Does it sound like transactional computing is hot these days? Yes it does...

Update: for historical reference, this year's 21% acceptance rate puts it right at the average, according to the ACM's data from 1995-2003.


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